Life Insurance

FOCUS: Life Insurance is by far the most important coverage we provide. Homes and Autos can be replaced. Even a business can be restarted. Life however is a unique gift to you and to those you love. Once you are gone, there is no replacing you. The best we can do is see that the Financial Loss due to your death is minimalize, and that those you love don’t suffer more than they have to.

Who Needs Life Insurance?

Couples, with or without children: Life Insurance is about sharing your love. You would give everything you are to protect your loved ones. They are your life. Everything you have is theirs. They have come to depend on you emotionally and financially. They way of life would change in an instant if you were not there. Life happens in an instant. And in an instant the household income is reduced by the amount you bring in. Without your income, can your family remain in the home they are in? Will they have to move? Can they still afford the mortgage or rent? Are plans for College now put on hold because now there is no money to save or pay off debt? Life changes forever for those dependant on you when you are no longer there. Life Insurance, even a little, will give your loved ones a moment to transition into their new lives – without immediate financial concerns.

Children of Any Age: I know you don’t likes to think about your children passing before yourself. But life happens in an instant. Now they are gone and you have no time to grieve properly, because you have to go to work on Monday morning as your life continues. There also may be expensive medical bills related to their passing. You don’t need that burden. Also, childhood problem of obesity, diabetes, and any number of issues may arise making them uninsurable in the future. Set them up now for a future without those concerns.

On a happier note – Juvenile policies, by their nature, must be permanent policies rather than term. They can be use to build income toward any number of things: a first car, college tuition, etc. I have one client with three girls a year apart. He calls the policies on them “their wedding fund.” By the time they are old enough to marry, these account will have earned up to enough to finance a day they will not forget.

Single Adults: You may not (at the moment) have anyone dependent on you. That does not mean that you will not have them in the future. If you prepare now, you will be ready when you do. Life Insurance is always less costly the earlier you get it and while you are still in good health. If you don’t see Family in your future, what about giving back to your parent. You are a responsible adult. Your don’t need to be a financial burden on anyone when you pass. And you can always use your life insurance to help fund your retirement. Life Insurance can serve you in many ways.

Grandparents: You may have all your ducks in a row – but your children may not. Making sure that your children and grandchildren have life insurance serves them and also yourself. Your plans my not include caring for a grandchildren in your senior years, yet this reality is happening more and more. Parents die or unable to care for their children, and the responsibility (and expense) falls to you. Life insurance on your children and grandchildren could be a Godsend in this situation.

In Short, Life Does Happen In A Second. It is best to be prepared. Let schedule a time to talk about your options by scheduling your call through link to the left.