Homeowners / Renters Insurance

FOCUS: “Home is where your heart is.” It was true then and is true today. Our home is more than where we hang our hat. It is where we hang heart and our memories. And when we finally find that place to call home, we know that we have arrived – the American Dream.

Home Insurance Basics…

And it doesn’t really matter if it is a Single Family Resident; A Condo; A Manufactured Home or an Apartment. It is still our home and we want to protect it just as it protects us. Owned, Mortgaged, or Rented – it is still our Home Sweet Home.

Our Home is often the most expensive purchase of our lives, and as such needs to be protected. Homeowners Insurance is about doing just that. In the case of any accident, we want to be sure that we will have enough to rebuild our home and our lives.

You need to be working with an Agent who understands that your home is more than a building – that it is the memories living within those wall as well. We don’t cut corners when it come to comimg up with the cost that it would take to rebuild your home if the worst should happen. Even then, if you are not comfortable with the number we can always add more coverage.

Most Homeowners policies take that first number and make all the other coverages a percentage of that. If only life were that simple. Take your personal property for example. If I were to ask you to pick a number or value for all your belongings, you could be hard pressed to come up with an amount. We realize this and understand that these numbers will change every year. As such we connect with you on a regular basis to discuss coverages and possible changes.


A couple had just retired. They had lived in their home for over 25 years and raised a family of 4. The kids were gone and they were ready to enjoy retirement in the home the had been making their own for the past 25 years. A year later, they had their first fire. It started in the Kitchen and quickly spread to the ceiling, roof and neighboring rooms. They were safe, but the same could not be said of their home. Over the 25 years, they had put thousands into their home. new windows, a new roof, new floors, new appliances, new landscaping, And in all that time, they had never sat down with their insurance agent and looked at their coverage. When it came to rebuilding the home they had lost, they did not have enough coverage to complete the work. They had to reach into monies saved for retirement, and ask their children to assist with the cost of finishing the work. They rebuilt their home, but the cost had taken a tremendous toll on them and their family.

Our goal is to see that this story is not your own. You put $10,000 into your home, and we will want to make sure that work is covered. We will work with you to see that you are properly covered. So when that accident does happen, we can get your back where you were with as little pain and frustration as possible. Insurance is meant to be personal, and we look forward to working with you.

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